July is National Ice Cream Month! Did you know? Most of us don't need a reason to eat/ celebrate ice cream. It's the best.
For my birthday this past year I got a delightful, easy to use ice cream maker from my in-laws. They scored big as this is one of my favorite appliances now!
I have to be honest- I have only made vanilla ice cream, but it's sooooo good I can't get myself to try anything else!
Here's my basic, easy, no cook, fast, super yummy vanilla ice cream recipe:
2 cups whipping cream
2 cups half and half
2 cups whole milk
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 small package instant vanilla pudding mix
2 teaspoons vanilla
In your ice cream maker, dissolve the pudding mix with the two cups of milk. Quickly add the remaining ingredients and stir very well. Churn according to your ice cream maker's directions. Mine takes about 35 minutes.
If you need to make more- I usually do- add more cream, half and half or milk. Just remember it's 3/4 cup of sugar for every 3 cups of liquid. If you need to double this recipe, you could add 6 cups of whole milk to the base recipe and it will turn out fine.
Obviously, the more cream you use, the thicker the final product.
I don't need toppings on this, but I usually have some sugared berries for family and friends to top their bowls off.
Happy July!